Productive Online Board Meetings

Online board meetings that are productive depend on a variety of factors that include a well-planned agenda and clear communication protocols and dependable technology. Despite these challenges boards who take the time to implement the proven best practices can attain high levels of productivity.

Begin your meeting by having an open discussion. You can energize discussions by asking questions to encourage participants to share their thoughts. Additionally, starting your meeting with a poll or survey tool can help you determine areas that require improvement.

Limit the time you spend on reports and other “must-do” items. You will lose attendees’ attention and focus if you overwhelm them with tedious reporting. As a general rule it is best not to spend more than 25 percent of your meeting on these types of discussions. This will enable more strategic discussions.

Make sure that your meetings are a pleasant experience for everyone who attends. Use the Boardable platform to encourage participation and create a welcoming atmosphere for all attendees. Encourage members of the board to be present and on time, observe the conventions of meeting protocol, and maintain a high standard of professionalism.

To ensure a successful online board meeting, board members must have a clear understanding of their roles within the organization and how it affects others. By using tools such as Boardable’s Minutes Maker and Task Manager, it’s easy for board members to update their roles between meetings and remain informed of developments and challenges. This encourages collaboration amongst the board and allows for a more efficient, dynamic online meetings.

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